What is the hardest thing to break???
* Diamonds are hard to find but not hard to break.
* Then, what is the hardest thing to break???
* The answer is : Habit
* Why??
Because if you break H,
you still have ABIT (abit).
If you break the A ,
you still have Bit.
If you break B
you still have It!!!
* Hey, after you break the T in It,
there is still the "I".
The person at the end of the day, is the root of all the problems. Cute???
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Know what The Mean Of OBAMA ???
O - Originally
B - Born in
B - Born in
A - Africa to
M - Manage the
M - Manage the
A - Americans
Why USA has Crisis
An Israeli doctor says 'Medicine in my country is so advanced that we cantake a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking forwork in six weeks.
'A German doctor says 'That is nothing; we can take a lung out of oneperson, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks.
A Russian doctor says 'In my country, medicine is so advanced that we cantake half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them bothlooking for work in two weeks.'
An American Texas doctor, not to be outdone, says 'You guys are Waybehind, we recently took a man with no brains out of Texas, put him in TheWhite House for eight years, and now half the country is looking for work.
haha..... get wat i mean ??
Monday, January 19, 2009
有一個人在森林中漫遊的時候,突然遇見了一隻飢餓的老虎,老虎大吼一聲就撲了上來。 他立刻用生平最大的力氣和最快的速度逃開,但是老虎緊追不捨, 他一直跑一直跑一直跑,最後被老虎逼入了斷崖邊上。 站在懸崖邊上,他想:「與其被老虎捉到,活活被咬、肢解,還不如跳入懸崖,說不定還有一線生機。」 他縱身跳入懸崖, 非常幸運的卡在一棵樹上, 那是長在斷崖邊的梅樹, 樹上結滿了梅子。正在慶幸的時候,他聽到斷崖深處傳來巨大的吼聲,往崖底望去,原來有一只兇猛的獅子正抬頭看著他,獅子的聲音使他心顫, 但轉念一想: 「獅子與老虎是相同的猛獸,被甚麼吃掉,都是一樣的。」當他一放下心,又聽見了一陣聲音,仔細一看,一黑一白的 兩隻老鼠,正用力地咬著梅樹的樹幹。 他先是一陣驚慌,立刻又放心了,他想:「被老鼠咬斷樹幹跌死,總比被獅子咬好。」情緒平復下來後,他感到肚子有點餓,看到梅子長得正好, 就採了一些吃起來。 他覺得一輩子從沒吃過那麼好吃的梅子,找到一個三角形樹丫休息, 他想著:「既然遲早都要死,不如在死前好好睡上一覺吧!」
他在樹上沉沉的睡去了。 睡醒之後,他發現黑白老鼠不見了,老虎、獅子也不見了。他順著樹枝,小心翼翼的攀上懸崖,終於脫離險境。原來就在他睡著的時候,飢餓的老虎按捺不住, 終於大吼一聲,跳下懸崖。 黑白老鼠聽到老虎的吼聲,驚慌逃走了。跳下懸崖的老虎與崖下的獅子展開激烈的打鬥,雙雙負傷逃走了。
由我們誕生那一刻開始,苦難.就像飢餓的老虎一直追趕著我們,死亡,就像一頭兇猛的獅子,一直在懸崖的盡頭等待, 白天和黑夜的交替,就像黑白老鼠,不停地正用力咬著我們暫時棲身的生活之樹,總有一天我們會落入獅子的口中。 既然知道了生命中最壞的情景是死亡,唯一的路,就是安然地享受樹上甜美的果子,然後安心地睡覺,只有存著這樣單純的心、少慾望、多一點赤子之心。 最近常常聽到朋友的親友去世的消息,除了安慰了幾句外好像什麼都不能做了恐怕有一天自己亦會成為別人口中的壞消息所以你們有沒有好好的享受你在世上的每一分每一秒 ?
他在樹上沉沉的睡去了。 睡醒之後,他發現黑白老鼠不見了,老虎、獅子也不見了。他順著樹枝,小心翼翼的攀上懸崖,終於脫離險境。原來就在他睡著的時候,飢餓的老虎按捺不住, 終於大吼一聲,跳下懸崖。 黑白老鼠聽到老虎的吼聲,驚慌逃走了。跳下懸崖的老虎與崖下的獅子展開激烈的打鬥,雙雙負傷逃走了。
由我們誕生那一刻開始,苦難.就像飢餓的老虎一直追趕著我們,死亡,就像一頭兇猛的獅子,一直在懸崖的盡頭等待, 白天和黑夜的交替,就像黑白老鼠,不停地正用力咬著我們暫時棲身的生活之樹,總有一天我們會落入獅子的口中。 既然知道了生命中最壞的情景是死亡,唯一的路,就是安然地享受樹上甜美的果子,然後安心地睡覺,只有存著這樣單純的心、少慾望、多一點赤子之心。 最近常常聽到朋友的親友去世的消息,除了安慰了幾句外好像什麼都不能做了恐怕有一天自己亦會成為別人口中的壞消息所以你們有沒有好好的享受你在世上的每一分每一秒 ?
This is how smart the Chinese work......
Tun M is open a tender for a government building constrution........ and there are 3 race in malaysia that qoute the building the first who came is the Indian
Indian: the Building i need 3 million to build
Tun M : y you need 3 million ?
Indian: 1 Million for raw material, 1 Million for worker and 1 Million for profit
then the second day the malay came
Malay: i need 6 Million to finish the constrution
Tun M : y 6 Million ?
Malay : 1 Million For raw material 1 million for Worker then 4 million for my 4 wife (each get 1 million)
the last the chinese came........
Chinese: i need 9 million for the building
Tun M : (think chinese is always greedy) but he still ask y need 9 million
Chinese: very easy, 3 Million For me, 3 Million for Tun M and the other 3 Million for the Indian to build the building.
Indian: the Building i need 3 million to build
Tun M : y you need 3 million ?
Indian: 1 Million for raw material, 1 Million for worker and 1 Million for profit
then the second day the malay came
Malay: i need 6 Million to finish the constrution
Tun M : y 6 Million ?
Malay : 1 Million For raw material 1 million for Worker then 4 million for my 4 wife (each get 1 million)
the last the chinese came........
Chinese: i need 9 million for the building
Tun M : (think chinese is always greedy) but he still ask y need 9 million
Chinese: very easy, 3 Million For me, 3 Million for Tun M and the other 3 Million for the Indian to build the building.
What College you study ??
Where are u study ?? when my friend ask me this question i will never told them my college name. i will say at Subang, but when i answer subang they will start guess SEGI TAYLOR METRO ?? but my answer will be 'NO' once they ask more detail then i will told them Westminster International College + Aiya never heard it be4 right..... new college Beside Subang parade..... this is how i answer my friend. The reasons i never told my friend which colloge i study is because my school is not as famouse as SEGI, TAYLOR etc.
but now i build more confidence with the college because i found that the college is became better and better now..... Dun say about the management in the college, because no student will agree with their college management, altough is famouse like Taylor etc, in the term in facilities & Activity my college is damn poor. but we forgot the most important thing that we go college is for education and knowledge. and i was pround that my college silibus is better then other famouse college. once of my classmate told me that she ask her brother that taking degree in marketing in I_ti NILAI, and my classmate jz a diploma student, but the question that my classmate ask her brother, but end up my friend brother told my friend this will only teach in next two sems. see Diploma in my college is equal to Degree in Int_ NILAI........ beside that my friend bro still say our college teaching really high standard......
beside that many of my friend are transfer to other college due to the problem of the PTPTN malaysia study loan. but most of my friend are regrad because the found that the other college quality are not that good as WESTMISTER, the qualtiy i mean is the way that lecture teaching, information that lecture impart.
the other reasons i trust Westminster more is because one of the part time lecture in our college are going to send her daughter in our college, because she found that our college is giving the Unversity of Walves certificate, beside that the most important thing is with a reasonable price.
with this all i am more confidence with the college....
but now i build more confidence with the college because i found that the college is became better and better now..... Dun say about the management in the college, because no student will agree with their college management, altough is famouse like Taylor etc, in the term in facilities & Activity my college is damn poor. but we forgot the most important thing that we go college is for education and knowledge. and i was pround that my college silibus is better then other famouse college. once of my classmate told me that she ask her brother that taking degree in marketing in I_ti NILAI, and my classmate jz a diploma student, but the question that my classmate ask her brother, but end up my friend brother told my friend this will only teach in next two sems. see Diploma in my college is equal to Degree in Int_ NILAI........ beside that my friend bro still say our college teaching really high standard......
beside that many of my friend are transfer to other college due to the problem of the PTPTN malaysia study loan. but most of my friend are regrad because the found that the other college quality are not that good as WESTMISTER, the qualtiy i mean is the way that lecture teaching, information that lecture impart.
the other reasons i trust Westminster more is because one of the part time lecture in our college are going to send her daughter in our college, because she found that our college is giving the Unversity of Walves certificate, beside that the most important thing is with a reasonable price.
with this all i am more confidence with the college....
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